Miss Daisy Dance Team Terms & Conditions
FEE PAYMENT 1. Fees cover one-half term. Discounts or refunds will not be given for classes missed by the pupil unless explicitly arranged with Miss Daisy.
2. The School should receive fees by the date shown on the invoice. Any late payments will incur a surcharge of £7 to cover admin costs.
3. If you do not receive an invoice, please advise the Miss Daisy.
4. The only method of payment is via online bank transfer / BACS. An email with an invoice will be sent containing all payment details.
5. All fees are non-refundable. If a pupil has a long-term illness or injury, fees may be refunded at the Miss Daisy’s discretion. This does not include minor illnesses or holidays taken during the term.
CLASSES AND ATTENDANCE 6. On the rare occasion that a class is cancelled, it will be rescheduled, if possible. If this is not possible, any fees already paid for the scheduled class will be subtracted from the next term’s fees or refunded.
7. The School will not be held responsible for classes cancelled for circumstances beyond the School’s control. If it is necessary to cancel a class due to adverse weather conditions / a force majeure, or if a child cannot attend a class due to their participation in another Miss Daisy Dance Team performance/exam/event, class fees will not be refunded.
8. Students must be on time to class, and be picked up on time.
9. Miss Daisy Dance Team is not responsible for dancers before or after classes.
10. Students of the Senior School are responsible for themselves between school and evening classes, this includes leaving the school premises and returning on time for class.
11. Students of Infant & Junior School age must be collected from the PAC by a parent/carer or responsible adult. Miss Daisy must be informed if persons other than the child’s parent or legal guardian will collect the child. Students under this age will not be permitted to leave unattended.
12. Students of Infant & Junior School age left unattended at the end of their class will be kept inside PAC with Miss Daisy, but we may be unable to supervise them at all times. Parents understand that if they are late picking their child up, their child will not be supervised and the parent takes full responsibility for their child’s safety and well-being should anything happen to them after their class
WITHDRAWAL POLICY 13. Students wishing to discontinue their classes at the School must give a full terms notice in writing, otherwise a full term will be charged.
CORRECTIONS 14. Dancing is a physical skill and in order to help and facilitate the student’s learning, the teacher may physically guide a movement by touch. This will be in a professional manner and the intention of the contact will be made clear. Please contact the Miss Daisy if you have any queries about this.
UNIFORM AND APPEARANCE 15. We ask all students to wear the recommended uniform for each class. The uniforms ensure students look elegant and feel confident in their surroundings. Uniforms can be ordered through Dancewell in Cotham.
16. Please ensure that appropriate footwear is worn at all times, if unsure please ask Miss Daisy.
17. Hair should always be off the face and neckline, neat and tidy. From PrePrimary and upwards a bun or similar is required. Shorter hair should be held back securely with clips and/or a hair band.
18. For safety reasons, jewellery must not be worn in lessons.
BEHAVIOUR, ETIQUETTE AND DECORUM 19. The Miss Daisy Dance Team Code of Conduct must be adhered to at all times: We expect all dancers to: o respect all teaching staff; o treat all other pupils as you would wish to be treated yourself; o come to every class with a positive attitude; o always ask for help if you need it; o consistently try your best; o wear the correct uniform and footwear; o ensure hair is neat and tidy.
20. No food or drink should be brought into class with the exception of water.
21. Parents and carers are asked to ensure their children are well-behaved at all times whilst getting ready for class and that siblings have an activity to occupy them whilst waiting.
22. Students and parents/carers are expected to demonstrate mutually respectful behaviour to teaching staff and fellow. Poor behaviour will not be tolerated and may result in the student being asked to leave the school. Bullying is not tolerated and should be brought to Miss Daisy’s or class teacher’s attention immediately.
HEALTH 23. Please notify Miss Daisy and the School of any medical issues or learning difficulties that may affect your child’s learning, however big or small it should be. This can help us to help them.
24. Any injuries should be discussed with the teacher prior to, or at the beginning of, class.
EXAMINATIONS, PRESENTATIONS AND CLASS AWARDS 25. Miss Daisy Dance Team offers examinations, presentations and Class Awards for the RAD and ISTD syllabus. Entry for any examination, presentation or class award is at the discretion of the class teacher and Miss Daisy. Parents/Carers and students will informed when the required level is achieved.
26. Examinations and Presentations are not compulsory but are encouraged.
27. Students are responsible for their own property and bring items at their own risk. Miss Daisy Dance Team does not accept responsibility for any items lost or stolen.
PHOTOGRAPHY 28. The School may wish to take occasional photographs or videos of our students for advertisement of the School. The use of these can include our website, social media and printed material.
29. Parents are permitted to take photos on watching day unless another parent in the class objects on the day. The teachers will always ask everyone’s permission before the demonstration class begins.
DATA PROTECTION 30. All invoices and other materials will be presented via email. Parents/Carers must provide a valid email address for this purpose and ensure that such email from the Miss Daisy Dance Team is not considered SPAM. 31. When you give us your details we promise to keep them secure and not share them with a third party. 32. We may use your data to contact you in relation to; · News updates about the school · Information relating to lessons/exams/show details · Invoicing · Emergency notifications (such as changes to planned lessons, cancellations etc.) · Records of invoices paid and outstanding (and any agreed payment terms) · Any other information relevant to the school and your/ your child’s lessons and progress. In addition, we will use any data relating to medical conditions to ensure that we are able to provide a safe environment for you/your child.
33. By ticking the ‘School Information and Marketing’ on the GDPR Consent form you agree to: · Miss Daisy Dance Team sending information that is relevant to you/your child's dance education by phone, email, text and written communication. · Miss Daisy Dance Team holding and processing data in relation to your/your child’s medical condition. Please note that you may withdraw this consent at any time by notifying us at our main business address. 34. The Miss Daisy should be notified of any change in contact details and/or health issues. MISCELLANEOUS 35. The school timetable may be subject to change. Parents/carers will be notified of any changes.
36. Dancing is a physical activity and contains a certain amount of risk. Students taking part in any of our classes or events run by Miss Daisy Dance Team do so at their own risk.
37. If students and/or parents break the terms and conditions, they may be asked to leave by the Miss Daisy and no refund given.
38. Any queries and complaints should be addressed to the Miss Daisy only.
39. Our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Coronavirus Risk Assessment is available on request. Please contact the Miss Daisy for more information.
The school rules are designed to enhance your children’s learning and enjoyment of the dance experience and help maximise their full potential. If you have any queries regarding our policies, please contact the Miss Daisy